What is BWRT?


Brain Working Recursive Therapy (BWRT) is a modern form of psychotherapy that uses our understanding of how the brain works, to provide fast and effective solutions for psychological issues. It is a unique model that can help individuals overcome negative thoughts and emotions quickly, safely and effectively, without a long-winded exploration into their past.

BWRT can help with a wide range of psychological and emotional issues, such as anxiety, phobias, depression, stress, relationship problems, low self-esteem, and many more. BWRT is an evidence-based therapy, developed by Terence Watts, that has been shown to be highly effective in clinical trials.

This quick and effective therapy has incredible success rates, and is a suitable choice for many clients. There are a range of medical conditions that restrict the use of hypnosis, but BWRT has far fewer limitations. It's also an ideal choice for anyone that doesn't really feel comfortable discussing their issue in great detail with their therapist, allowing them a little more privacy.

BWRT will be available from mid 2023!


What to expect from a RTT session…


How can RTT help with vaping?